Hormone Replacement Therapy
Douglas Family Medicine
Family Medicine located in Castle Rock, CO
Why Use Bio-Identical Hormones?
Remaining healthy into old age depends on many things including lifestyle and genetics.It also makes perfect sense to replenish what the body needs. That’s why we supplement vitamins and minerals. It’s also why we use hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to restore internal balance. Many physicians focus on simply relieving symptoms with pharmaceutical pills, patches, injections or creams. However, in order to return the body to balance, it needs recognizable hormone substances and a precision delivery method to transport them through the bloodstream around the clock. By far the safest, most effective and convenient method, properly administered bioidentical hormone replacement (BHRT) using pellet implants can restore the beneficial hormone levels your body needs. Hormone replacement pellet implants consist of low dose estradiol and testosterone that release slowly for 3 to 6 months, 24/7. It is the only BHRT method that can release more hormone when the body needs it.
After decades of treating women and men with this method, we’ve witnessed firsthand the life-changing impact hormone pellet implant therapy has had on thousands of patients—whether it helped reverse serious osteoporosis, aided a Parkinson’s patient to make strides in mobility, or simply helped revive a marriage. Many say hormone replacement therapy has given them back what they thought they’d lost forever —their quality of life!